
“Woke” is a vague pejorative, “Woke” has become a disingenuous word generally used

“Woke” is a vague pejorative, “Woke” has become a disingenuous word generally used

 “Woke” has become a disingenuous word generally used, to discredit someone whose opinion is deemed to leftist by assimilating them with a few extreme activists.

Just using a word like “woke” without any explanation as to what it means is pathetic and just stirs division with others. How it is most used is people with empathy, who lead with kindness and fairness. What’s wrong with that again?

The woke mind? 

“Woke” is a vague pejorative used to trivialize the social utility of *cross-cultural empathy*.

Typically, “woke” is cynically deployed to make an emotional or bad-faith argument against progressive ideas in general.

It's only used by insecure rightists. 

Woke=empathy. Plain and simple. No one perfectly embodies it- but striving for it should be our goal as people.

Woke is a term for people who try to understand the world with one or two variables, and then act as if that analysis is valid or useful. Then they push government programs to "solve" these "problems."

It's both bad analysis AND a futile attempt at a solutionWoke is a term for people who try to understand the world with one or two variables, and then act as if that analysis is valid or useful. Then they push government programs to "solve" these "problems."

It's both bad analysis AND a futile attempt at a solution

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